Thursday, 22 April 2010

Proportional Representation is it Feasible?

Paul Waugh from the Evening Standard spoke today about Labour potentially calling the Lib Dems bluff on PR replacing First Past the Post as the method of election in Britain.

Scarily the You/Gov Sun Poll published on Sunday suggests 54% of those polled would support Electoral Reform, to counter the taboo that a potential "Hung Parliament" has become. Any potential reform whether it be Alternative Voting as a a method or Proportional Representation would just further fragment British Governance making it far more difficult for a party to form a workable majority. If the electorate want to embrace change then a hung parliament would be a perfect demonstration of things to come, rather than something to shy away from.

The aforementioned Poll also suggests that 33% of those polled intended to vote Lib Dem but a number of Lib Dem policies were vehemently opposed on the same survey for example some of the Lib Dems policies on Europe were opposed by 66% of those polled! This further suggests that people are willing to vote Lib Dem without really understanding their policies.

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